Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blog to be temporarily suspended

We're losing one of our paras in January...hopefully, this will be temporary...when we get a replacement para, we'll start posting homework again. In the meantime, parents and students can email me with homework questions at

Also, if you email me with homework or homework blog questions, I am more than happy to provide you with my home phone number in case you have any homework questions in the evening.

Happy Holidays!

-Mr. Singer

Friday, December 17, 2010


Math: Mixed #'s and Improper fractions

Science: Case- Science Investigation
Weatherford- Rock Cycle Activity

Social Studies: Check over Ch. 4 Review

Language Arts: Word of the Week Test

Reading: Reading Centers
Figurative Lang. Books

Thursday, December 16, 2010


Math: Ch. 4-2 ->pg.207 (12-17/20-25)

Science: Case- Science Investigation
Weatherford- Rock Cycle Activity

Social Studies: Ch. 4 Review

Language Arts: Pronoun Test
Study for tomorrow's Word of the Week Test

Reading: Formative test
Library check-out

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Math: Ch. 4-2 ->No HW

Science: Case- Test
Weatherford- Ch. 8-2 LR & Notes

Social Studies: Ch. 4-4 Quiz

Language Arts: Prictice missed spelling words 5x
Friday Word of the Week Test
Rewrite final draft of paragraph due Friday

Reading: Small Groups
Read 20 min. and log in folder

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


Math: GCF Wkst.

Science: Case- Grade Review Questions
Weatherford- Brain Pop: Types of Rock & Rock Cycle/WKST.

Social Studies: Ch. 4-4 GR & Vocab Wkst.

Language Arts: Spelling Test
Pronoun Review Sheet
Rewrite final draft of paragraph due Friday

Reading: Small Groups
Read 20 min.

Monday, December 13, 2010


Math: Ch. 4-1 pg. 200 (13-16)

Science: Case- Notetaking pg. 132-139
Review Questions pg. 140
Open Book Test on Wednesday
Weatherford- Ch. C8-2 SGA

Social Studies: Ch. 4-3 Quiz

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 46-48 due tomorrow
Friday Word of the Week Test

Reading: Small Groups
Read and log in folder

Friday, December 10, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch. 4-1 GCF

Science: Case- Darwin's Theory
Weatherford- Ch. C8-2

Socical Studies: Ch.4-3 GR & Vocab

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 46-48
Pg. 633 Plurals 2
Pronoun Review
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: Create Hyperboles
Read and log in folder

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Math: Decimal Computation Assessment

Science: Case- Study Guide
Weatherford-Ch. C8-1 Notes/LR/flipchart

Social Studies: Ch.4-2 Quiz/Sparta & Athen Activity

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 46-48 due Tuesday
F/J (1parallel) due tomorrow
pg. 631 Plurals

Reading: Library/Conferencing
Read and log in folder

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Math: Decimal Practice/ NO HW

Science: Case- Paleontology- Notetaking
Weatherford- Go over lab/ Brain Pop

Social Studies: Ch.4-2 GR & Vocab

Language Arts: Practice missed spelling words 5x
F/J (1parallel) due Friday
Handwriting Page
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: Personification Poster
Read and log in folder

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Decimal Computation Practice

Science: Case- Presentations and Notetaking
Weatherford- CH. C8-1 Investigation Lab

Social Studies: Ch. 4-2 GR & Vocab

Language Arts: Personal Pronoun HO
F/J (1parallel) due Friday
Spelling Test
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: Simile/Metaphor Chart
Read and log

Monday, December 6, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Decimal WKST

Science: Case- Finish timeline/Present tomorrow
Weatherford- Ch. C8-1 SGA

Social Studies: Video/ Ch.4-1 Quiz

Language Arts: Pronoun Notes
F/J (1parallel) due Friday
Spelling pg. 42-44 due Tomorrow
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: Read 20 min. and fill out log
Metaphor poem

Friday, December 3, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch. 3-8~3-10 Quiz

Science: Case- Notetaking
Weatherford- Ch.6 Test

Social Studies: Ch.4-1 GR & Vocab

Language Arts: Pronoun Notes/Rainbowing
Spelling pgs. 42-44 due Tuesday
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test
Pg. 709 Pronouns 2

Reading: Conferencing/Read Silent
Read and log

Thursday, December 2, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.3-10 Wkst/ No HW

Science: Case- Notetaking
Weatherford- Review Game/ Test tomorrow

Social Studies: Ch. 4-1 ->GR & Vocab

Language Arts: Computer Lab
F/J (allude) due tomorrow
Handwriting page
Spelling pgs. 41-44 due Tuesday
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: Library
Read 20 minute and log in folder

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: WKST. 3-9 60&63

Science: Case- Fossil Eras
Weatherford- Grade Ch. B6 Review

Social Studies: Ch. 3 Test

Language Arts: Practice missed spelling words 5x
F/J (allude) due Friday
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: Onomotopeia
Read 20 min. and log in folder

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: pg. 181 (1-9) odd only

Science: Case- Discuss pg. 118-119
Read pg. 120-123 together
Make timeline of Eras

Weatherford- Ch. B6 Review

Social Studies: Reviewing for Ch. 3 Test

Language Arts: Mrs. Hupe
F/J (allude) due Friday
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: Pg. 232-235 Poetry
Read and log in folder

Monday, November 29, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: CH. 3-9 ->No HW

Science: Case- Read pg. 118-119 take notes
Weatherford- Reviewing Ch. B6 Vocab

Social Studies: Reviewing for Ch. 3 Test

Language Arts: Notes/ pg. 707 Pronouns
F/J (allude) due Friday
Dec. 17 Word of the Week Test

Reading: What is figuritive language?
Read and log in folder

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Worksheet 3-8

Science: Case- Ch.3 Test
Weatherford- B6 Vocab Activity

Social Studies: Ch.3 Review

Language Arts: Spelling Test

Reading: Poetry Book
Read and log in folder


Monday, November 22, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: pg. 175 (8-12/20-24)

Science: Case- Review for Test/ Ch.3 Test tomorrow
Weatherford- B6 Vocab Activity

Social Studies: pg. 104-105 (1-23)

Language Arts: Spelling pg. 38-40 due tomorrow
Peer Editing/Write 2nd Draft of Expository paragraph

Reading: "April's Mud" Test
Read 20 min and log in folder

Friday, November 19, 2010

6th grade hoework

Math: pg.175 (1-6)

Science: Case- Review for Test
Test Nov.23
Weatherford- Symbiosis Activity

Social Studies: Ancient Israel Timeline

Language Arts: Spelling pgs.38-40 due Tuesday
Finish writing 1st draft of Expository paragraph

Reading: Jackie Robinson Video
Reading and log in folder

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Multiplying decimals and Metric Conversion

Science Case- DNA Model/Notetaking
Test Nov. 23
Weatherford- Ch.B6-3 -> LR&Notes

Social Studies: Read Ch.3-3/GR&V

Language Arts: Write missed Spelling words 5x
F/J expunge due Friday
Pronoun notes

Reading: Library
Read 20 minutes and log in folder

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.3-7 -> White Board Practice

Science: Case- DNA Models
Weatherford- Read Ch.B6-3/ SGA

Social Studies: Read Ch.3-3/ GR&V

Language Arts: Spelling Test
F/J expunge due Friday
Intro to Pronouns

Reading: "April's Mud"
Read 20 minutes and log in folder

Monday, November 15, 2010


Math: Ch.3-7 WKST 48 & 51

Science: Case- Notetaking
Weatherford- Ch. B6-3 Science Lab

Social Studies: Ch.3-2 Quiz

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 34-36 due tomorrow
F/J (expunge) due Friday
pg.157 Expository Paragraph

Reading: "Aprils Mud" WKBK pg. 22

Friday, November 12, 2010

6th homework

Math: Ch.3-6 wkst 42&45

Science: Case- Notetaking/DNA/Gene Investigation
Weatherford- Brain pop and activities

Social Studies: Finish Ch.3-2 GR&Vocab wkst

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 34-36 due Tuesday
Parts of Speech Test- Nouns and Verbs

Reading: Character Chart
Read and log

Thursday, November 11, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: White board practice-> Ch.3-6

Science: Case- Notetaking/ Gene Investigation
Weatherford- Brain Pop and activities

Social Studies: Ch.3-2 GR & Vocab

Language Arts: Spelling pgs.34-36 due Tuesday
F/J (encroach) due tomorrow
Study linking verbs, helping verbs lists and verb phrase
Verb Test tomorrow

Reading: Character Chart
Read and log it

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.3 Test Part 1

Science: Case- Notetaking- DNA- What is in your DNA?
Weatherford- Owl Pellet Lab

Social Studies: Ch.3-1 Quiz

Language Arts: Practice missed spelling words 5x
F/J (encroach) due Friday
Verb/Noun/Verb Phrase Test Friday

Reading: Character chart
Read 20 minutes and log it

Monday, November 8, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Grade pg. 161/Practice

Science: Case- Notetaking/Brain Pop/Mendel/Check Plants
Weatherford- Grade Vocab/Begin Lab

Social Studies: Finish movie/Intro to Ch.3

Language Arts: Spelling pgs.30-32 due tomorrow
F/J (encroach) due Friday

Reading: Create two character maps in your reading folder from your library book.

Friday, November 5, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Grade pg.161

Science: Case- Ch. 3 notetaking/Check spider plants/Lab report- Outline
Weatherford- Notes & Vocab

Social Studies: Video

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 30-32 due Tuesday
Computer lab to type final draft

Reading: Jackie Robinson Test
Read and log it

Thursday, November 4, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: pg.161 (1-25)

Science: Case- Ch.3 Notetaking- Check Spider plant
Weatherford- Ch. B6-2

Social Studies: Video

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 30-32 Due Tuesday
F/J (dilemma) Due Tomorrow
Verb Pharse H.O.

Reading: Jackie Robinson Document
Read 20 minutes and remember to log it

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

6th Grade homework

Math: No HW

Science: Case- Ch.3 Notetaking and spider plants
Weatherford- Ch. B6-2

Social Studies: Ch. 2 Test

Language Arts: Practice Missed Spelling words 5x
F/J (dilemma) Due Friday
2nd Draft Due Thursday
Spelling City

Reading: Character Form/ Jackie Robinson Doc.
Read 20 min. and log it

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.3-5 WKST 35 & 38

Science: Case- Ch.3 Notetaking- Spider Plants
Weatherford- Ch.B6-2 -> SGA

Social Studies: Studey for Ch.2 Test tomorrow

Language Arts: Spelling Test
F/J (dilemma) Due Friday
Finish Peer-editing/Write 2nd Draft

Reading: Character Forms due tomorrow
Read 20 minutes and log it in folder

Friday, October 29, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.3-4

Science: Weatherford- share biome map

Social Studies: Grade Ch. 2 review

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 26-28 Due Tuesday

Reading: Finish Posters. Sports card
Read and log it

Thursday, October 28, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch. 3 Les 1-3 Quiz

Science: Case- Test
Weatherford- Biome Map

Social Studies: Ch.2 Review

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 26-28 Due Tuesday
Write 1st draft of descriptive paragraph- Due Tomorrow

Reading: Jackie Robinson Character Map
Read 20 minutes

If I don't get a comment today tomorrow will be the last day of the blog, Thank you!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

6th grade HW

Math: Ch.3-3 Wkst.

Science: Case- Review for Test/Study for test tomorrow
Weatherford- Biome Map

Social Studies: Mind Joggers

Language Arts: Practice missed spelling word 5x

Reading: Character/Library
Read 20 minutes

Please comment if you check this otherwise it will be deleted, Thank you!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

6th grade HW

Math: Ch.3-3/ No HW

Science: Case- Disease Prevention
Test- Thursday
Weatherford- Inspiration Activity w/ Ms. Turner

Reward Trip during Reading, Social Studies, and Language Arts

Thursday, October 21, 2010

6th Grade HW

Math: Ch.3-2

Science: Case- Investigation Groups
Weatherford- Read Ch. B6-1/SGA B6-1

Social Studies: Read Ch.2-4/Complete Ch.2-4 GR & Vocab

Language Arts: Test Noun/Verb & Subject Predicate
F/J (inhabit)- Due Tomorrow

Reading: Conferencing- Character Work
Read 20 minutes

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

6th Grade HW

Math: Ch.3-1

Science: Case- Cell & Disease/Investigation Groups
Weatherford- Ch. B6-1 -> Investigation Lab

Social Studies: Finish Ch. 2-3 GR & Vocab/ Ancient Egypt Readings

Language Arts: Spelling test
F/J (inhabit)- Due Friday

Reading: Character Sketches
Read 20 minutes- log

Friday, October 15, 2010

6th Grade HW

Math: Decimal Mini Lab

Science: Case- Cell Video
Weatherford- Grade Ch. A2-1 & B5 Review

Social Studies: Read Ch.2-3/ GR & Vocab WKST.

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 22-24 Due Tuesday
Pg. 501 #1-8

Reading: Sequencing Activities
Read 20 minutes

Thursday, October 14, 2010

6th Grade HW

Math: pg. 137 whiteboard practice

Science: Case- Study Guide A2.2
Weatherford- Ch. B5/A2-1 Review

Social Studies: Ancient Egypt Timeline/Reaading Comprehsion

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 22-24 Due Friday
F/J (goad)- Due Tomorrow
Pg. 693 #1-5

Reading: Sequencing Activities
Read 20 min

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

6th Grade Homework

Math: Ch.2 Foldable/ pg.137- whiteboard

Science: Case- Study Guide A2.2
Weatherford- Go Over pg. B32-B33

Social Studies: Ch.2-2 Quiz

Language Arts: Practice missed spelling words 5x
F/J (goad)- Due Friday

Reading: Newspaper Sequencing
Read 20 minutes

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1 Test/ NO HW

Science: Case- Notetaking
Weatherford- Pg.B32-B33 (1-20) & the "Map the Concept"

Social Studies: The Prince Who Knew His Fate

Language Arts: Write Source pg.690
F/J (goad)- Due Friday

Reading: "Tony and the Snark"
Read 20 minutes

Monday, October 11, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1 Test Tomorrow/Study for Test

Science: Case- Study Guide A2.1
Weatherford- Ch. B5-3 -> Notes/Lesson Review

Social Studies: Ch.2-2 GR & Vocab

Language Arts: F/J (goad)-Due Friday

Reading: WB pg.1 & 2 "Tony and the Snark"

Friday, October 8, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1 Review/ Test Tuesday

Science: Case- Microscopes and Notes/No HW
Weatherford- Ch.B5-3 -> Notes/Lesson Review

Social Studies: Hieroglyphics Activity

Language Arts: Rainbowing/Noun Verb Quiz/Paragraph HO

Reading: Summerizing/No HW

Thursday, October 7, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1 Review/ Ch.1 Test

Science: Case- Read and take notes from A48-A49
Weatherford- Ch.B5-3 -> Read/Study Guide A

Social Studies: Ch.2-1 Quiz/Activity

Language Arts: Rainbowing/Get Pop Quiz back/ Quiz tomorrow over Nouns & Verbs
F/J (flounder)- Due Tomorrow

Reading: Visualizing w/ Mr. Singer
Finish Summary Sentences
Read 20 minutes

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1 Review- Ch.1 Test Monday

Science: Field Trip

Social Studies: Field Trip

Language Arts: Field Trip
F/J (flounder)- Due Friday

Reading: Field Trip
Read 20 minutes

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Weatherford Math Test

Students in Ms. Weatherford math class needs to use page 672-674 in their math books to study for the Math test that's on Monday with their parents!

6th Grade Homework

Math: Grade Quiz/Whiteboard Practice
Ch. 1 Test Monday

Science: Case- Notetaking/Vocab
Weatherford- Ch. B5-3

Social Studies: Ch.2-1 Guided Reading & Vocab

Language Arts: Spelling Test
F/J (flounder)- Due Friday
Descriptive Paragraph HO

Reading: Summary Sentences
Read 20 minutes

Monday, October 4, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1-6~1-9 Quiz

Science:Case- Notetaking- Vocabulary
Weatherford- Ch.B5-3 -> Read/Study Guide

Social Studies: Ch.2-1 Guided Reading & Vocab WKST

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 18-20- Due Tomorrow
Spelling Test Tomorrow
F/J (flounder)- Due Friday
p.527 Respond to the Reading- HW

Reading: Cause/Effectg Assessment
Folder Organization

Friday, October 1, 2010

spelling pages due Tuesday!

read for 20 minutes and fill out log (extra credit)

Thursday, September 30, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: pg. 65 (6-15)

Science: Case- Ch.1 Test
Weatherford- No homework

Social Studies: Ancient Egyptian Play

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 18-20
F/J (culture) Due tomorrow

Reading: Cause and Effect- Computer
Read 20 minutes

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1-8 WKST

Science: Case- Jeopardy Review/Plants
Ch.1 Test Tomorrow
Weatherford- Ch. B5-1 Review/Vocab Due Tomorrow
Ch. 5-2 Notes/HW Ch. B5-2 Lesson Review

Social Studies: Epic of Gilgamesh Play

Language Arts: Practice misspelled words 5x each
F/J (culture) Due Friday

Reading: Cause and Effect/Library
Read 20 minutes

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: pg. 59 (9-22)

Science: Case-Study Guide/ Notetaking
Ch. 1 Test Thursday
Weatherford- Ch. B5-1 Review/Ch. B5 Vocab- Due Thursday

Social Studies: Cuniform Activity

Language Arts: Verbs- Action/Linking Nouns- Common/Proper
F/J (culture) Due Friday

Reading: Cause and Effect
Read 20 min.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: No homework

Science: Case- Study guide A1.2
Weatherford- Ch. 5-1

Social Studies: Review game
*Study for Monday's test*

Language Arts: Computer Lab to finish Narrative Paragraph

Reading: Turn in Reading folders/ Practicebook pg. 7

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1-6 p.51 (#1-4)

Science: Case- Microscope test
Weatherford- Ch. 5-1

Social Studies: Grade Ch.1 Review
Ch.1 Test Monday

Language Arts: Spelling Test

Reading: "Tony and the Snark"

Monday, September 20, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch. 1-4/1-5 Quiz

Science:Case- Mushroom Experiment
Microscope Parts Test Tomorrow
Weatherford- Finish Ch. A2-1/ Ch.A2-1 WKST

Social Studies:Ch. 1 Review (write page #'s)

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 14-16 Due tomorrow
*No F/J this week

Reading: Read "Tony and the Snark" pg. 24-39

Friday, September 17, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1-5 Wkst. 39

Science: Case- Brain Pop Video: Microscopes
Microscope Parts Teast- Tuesday
Weatherford- Investigation Lab: Cells

Social Studies: Ch.1-3 GR & Vocab Wkst/Ch.1-3 Quiz

Language Arts: Spelling Pgs. 14-16
No F/J next week
Common Nouns/Proper Nouns/Types of Sentences

Reading: Silent Reading/Context Clues Page

Thursday, September 16, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: No homework

Science: Case- Microscope Parts- Experiment planning
Microscope Parts TEST Tuesday
Weatherford- Animal Cell Diagram

Social Studies: Begin Reading Ch.1-3 GR & Vocab WKST

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 14-16 Due Tuesday
F/J- buffoon- Due Tomorrow
Typing 1st draft of Narrative Paragraph

Reading: Conferencing
Read 20 minutes

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch.1-5

Science: Case- Microscope Parts
Weatherford- Science Investigation

Social Studies: Finish Video

Language Arts: Practice missed spelling words 5x each
F/J- buffoon- Due Friday

Reading Library/ Conferencing/ Read 20 minutes

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

6th Grade Homework

Math: Ch.1-4 Wkst. 29

Science: Case- A16-A19 Notetaking
Weatherford- Ch.1 Test

Social Studies: Ch.1-2 Quiz/ Video

Language Arts: Spelling Test
F/J- buffoon- Due Friday

Reading: Context Clue Quiz
Silent Reading
*Read 20 minutes @ home*

Monday, September 13, 2010

6th Grade Homework

Math: pg. 39 (8-20) evens only

Science: Case- Making a Microscope/ Experiment paperwork
Weatherford- Ch.1 Test Tomorrow/ Review Game

Social Studies: Ch.1-2 GR & Vocab Wkst

Language Arts: Guidence w/ Mrs. Hupe
Spelling pgs. 10-12 Due Tomorrow

Reading: Prefixes/ Suffixes
pg. 66 Using Context Clues

Friday, September 10, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: MAP Testing

Science: Case- Protist/ Fungi/ Microscopes
Weatherford- Grade Ch. A1 Review

Social Studies: Begin reading Ch. 1-2/ No homework

Language: Peer Editing 1st Draft
Spelling pgs. 10-12- Due Tuesday

Reading:Context Clues/ Read your book

Thursday, September 9, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: MAP Testing

Science: Case- Mushroom life cycle
Weatherford- Ch. A1

Social Studies: Ch.1-1 Quiz/ Video

Language Arts: F/J- Due Friday
Spelling pgs. 10-12
pg. 96 Write 1st Draft- Due Tomorrow
*Remember to skip lines!

Reading: Get a clue WKST

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: MAP Testing

Science: Case- Study Guide A1.1
Weatherford- Ch. 1-3 Lesson Review

Social Studies: Ch. 1-1 Guided Reading

Language Arts: F/J- guerilla- Due Friday
Spelling Pretest/ Practice misspelled words 5x each

Reading: Library/ 20 minutes reading!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

6th Grade Homework

Math: pg. 39 (1-6)

Science: Case- Notetaking/ Study Guide
Weatherford- Ch. A1-3 Study Guide

Language Arts: F/J- guerrilla- Due Friday
Chart your Web

Social Studies: Ch. 1-1 Guided Reading

Reading: Context Clues/ Read 20 minutes

Thursday, September 2, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch. 1-3 WKST 22

Science: Case- Study guide A1.1
Weatherford- Investigation Lab WKST

Social Studies: Amendment Project

Language Arts: F/J aqueduct Due Tomorrow
Narrative Paragraph/ pg. 93 Write a cluster

Reading: Sketch to Stretch
Read 20 minutes!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: p.35 (10-12/16-18/26&27)

Science: Weatherford- Ch. A1-2 Lesson Review Wkst.
Case- Classification/ No homework

Social Studies: Amendment Project

Language Arts: F/J aqueduct- Due Friday
No Spelling this week!

Reading: Read 20 minutes!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: No homework

Science: Case- Classification
Waetherford- Ch. A1-2 Lesson Review

Social Studies: Amendment Project

Language Arts: F/J aqueduct- Due Friday
p.526 Write your own paragraph- Due Tomorrow (wed.)
Spelling Test/ Journal Writing

Reading: Read for 20 minutes!

Monday, August 30, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: No homework

Science: Weatherford- Study guide A1-2
Case- Read pgs. A6-A7, Answer questions on pg. A7 using a complete sentence.

Social Studies: Amendment Project

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 6-8 Due Tomorrow
Spelling Test tomorrow
F/J Due Friday aqueduct
pg. 526 Write your paragraph- Due Wednesday

Reading: Visualization
Read 20 minutes!

Friday, August 27, 2010


Ms. Weatherford's class has to finish the science investigation. Due Monday!

oh, I almost forgot...

Be sure to read for 20 minutes EACH NIGHT this weekend. You should be doing this everyday!

6th grade homework

NOTE: I do NOT list Ms. Case's math homework! I only list Ms. Weatherford's math homework. It is the responsibility of Ms. Case's math students to keep track of their homework assignments on their own!

All of Ms. Weatherford's math students completed their homework successfully in class no math homework for kids in Ms. Weatherford's math class. Great job!

LA - spelling pages are due Tuesday.

I don't believe that Ms. Case or Ms. Weatherford assigned any other homework for this weekend. If I find out differently, I will write a new post before the end of today.

Remember to study your science vocab cards and your spelling flash cards this weekend!!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Ch. 1-2 pg.30 (10-21)

Science: Weatherford- A1-1 Review WKST.
Case- Photographers

Social Studies: Constitution Project/ No homework

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 6-8 Due Tuesday
Noun chart using a newspaper
F/J (abduct) Due Friday

Reading: Conferencing/ Reader's Workshop

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: No homework

Science: Weatherford-Study guide A1-1
Case- Light exploration

Social Studies: Bill of Rights WKST.

Language Arts: Spelling Pretest- Practice missed words 5x each and write in the correct spelling column.
F/J (abduct)- DUE FRI.

Reading: Library Check-out/Conferences/ Group activities

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Finish WKST. 11

Science: Weatherford- Science Investigation
Case- Conclusion Paragraph/ Goal Setting Cards

Social Studies: Which is Which: Bill of Rights WKST.

Language Arts: Spelling test
F/J DUE FRIDAY- abduct

Reading: Read 20 minutes!

Monday, August 23, 2010

6th grade homework

Math: Problem Solving Practice
Finish WKST. 12

Science: Weatherford- Science Investigation/ No homework
Case- Develop "egg" plan/ What materials do you need?/ Plants- repotting

Social Studies: "Shh! We're Writing the Constitution"
1. They Were There WKST.
2. Constitution WKST. Finish what doesn't get done in class at home!

Language Arts: Spelling pgs. 2-4 DUE Tuesday
Dictionary/ Thesaurus Skills, Flotsam & Jetsam (F/J)- Abduct

Reading: Author's Purpose
Read 20 minutes at home!

*Get Textbook Condition Forms signed and turned in!!*

Friday, August 20, 2010

6th Grade Homework - 8/20/10

All homework is due Monday, unless otherwise noted.

Math -- no homework

Science -- no homework

Social Studies -- no homework

Language Arts -- Finish Write Source Scavenger Hunt if you did not finish it already.

Reading -- Read for 20 minutes each night.

Your spelling pages are due Tuesday!

Remember your textbook condition forms.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

6th Grade Homework: 8/19/2010

All assignments are due tomorrow, unless otherwise noted.

Math -- Ms.Weatherford's math class ONLY -- place value worksheet

Science -- Ms. Weatherford's science class ONLY -- finish worksheet

Reading -- Read for 20 minutes

LA -- Spelling pages DUE TUEDAY
Study for your spelling test by practicing the words

Saturday, June 19, 2010